

Increased Profitability Comes from Success In the Little Elements

By Eugene Peterson

Reaching the highest level of profitability is typically not the result of a major new strategy, procedure or practices.  Increased profitability comes most often from minor improvements, additional small steps, slight changes and different choices of behavior.  To discover some improvements that can help you become more profitable, be honest with yourself in answering the following questions:
• If you could do one small thing to increase profitability, what would you do?
• If you could do one thing to expand or improve productivity, what would you do?
• If you could take one small step to decrease overhead, what would you do?
• If you could do one thing to improve customer relationships, what would you do?
• If you could improve your meetings, what would you do?
• What one small thing can you do to make better use of your time?
• What can you do to better respond to the needs of your customers?
• If you were to improve one aspect of your marketing program, what would it be?
Answering these questions will give you a list of small, but important things you can do to improve profitability.



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