

Strategic Plan Will Make Business More Enjoyable

By Eugene Peterson

Now is the right time to start business planning for next year. It is called Strategic Planning.  The plan, like a road map, helps your business get from here to there. Running a business without a Strategic Plan is like taking a major road trip without consulting a map. Boise, Idaho is a fun town with a noteworthy college football team and streets that go here and there without rhyme or reason. During my last visit it was hard to navigate. I got lost often, but once I got a map, the venture became easily navigable. A Strategic Plan can make the business journey enjoyable. It gives your team the route of travel and final destination. With it, your team travels the same road together, instead of blazing separate trails through the wilderness, to who knows where. Each time I conduct a Strategic Planning event I am amazed that the owner thinks his team knows where they are going – but they do not. There is not time or space in this column to give you specific details on how to do Strategic Planning. However, if you send me an email with your phone number, and ask about Strategic Planning, I will call and give you helpful hints that will make Strategic Planning a great team building experience.


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