
Construction Defects - Soil Movements

Soil Movements

Severe damage can occur from soil movement, among those would include cracking and “heaving” of slabs and hardscape, and stucco and drywall separation.  Causes of soil movement could be caused by a major event such as a landslide, or by “slow creep” which is a very slow process, expansive soil or from excessive settlement.  Before construction begins, most developments are graded where soil can either be removed or added at that time.  Correct compaction of the soil during this process is vital to minimizing soil movement. 

Construction defects that we regularly see are:

  • Improper grading
  • Inadequate compaction
  • Inadequate site drainage
  • Inadequate area and retaining wall drains
  • Inadequate setback or depth of pilasters
  • Inadequate foundation design for highly expansive soils