
Think Outside the Box to Achieve Goals

Strong Leaders Have To Think Outside the Box to Achieve Goals

By Eugene Peterson

Many of my clients still think of leadership as a position.  But from my readings and research, I feel a more advanced way of looking at leadership is to define leadership as an action, which involves the combination of four essential behaviors:
• The ability to accurately perceive the needs of others.
• The ability to visualize solutions or a pathway to the solution.
• The ability to congruently verbalize what you want the other person to do.
• The ability to take the risk to initiate your proposal and, usually, to preserve and deal with resistance to the change you are proposing.  In older, more traditional, leadership rolls there is a strong need for command and control.  In older, more traditional, leadership styles, the leader used threat, reward and position:
• With implied threat, we do it or else.
• We do it to get the reward that we want.
• We do it because of our position. I have to do it because I am supposed to do what the boss tells me.  May I suggest that you think outside the box and take some action steps to improve and become a Real Leader? Real Leadership is a learned skill that will aid you in increasing your goal of making a profit.


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